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Why My Mornings Begin with Coffee & Good Thoughts

One Friday morning, I woke up at my usual 9 am, but did not climb out from under the covers until about 9:13. I went straight to my Keurig, made my coffee (cream and sugar, please), and started my day. I was scrolling through Twitter when I saw a tweet by Dana Perino that made my heart leap for joy.

I am convinced it was no longer the coffee warming me up, but rather the truth behind this message. For those of you who do not know, my mama has always taught me "everyone deals with something." Well, duh, everyone deals with something. I dealt with spending 13 minutes in the comfort of my bed before I could finally put my feet on the ground. But this tweet was planted in my mind the rest of the day.

As humans, we get frustrated by little things...especially when we are going through some tough stuff ourselves. We are frustrated by things such as a slow driver. A server who forgets to put in part of an order. A pedestrian who is walking a little too slowly for our fast-paced lives.

That slow driver you honked at repeatedly and mumbled curses at under your breath (or yelled)? A man coping with the loss of his brother.

That server who doesn't seem to have much going on that night, but still managed to forget part of the order? A full-time student struggling with grades & finances - unsure if she will be able to stay in school.

That pedestrian who is definitely walking below the sidewalk speed limit? A mom that is brokenhearted by the fact that her son no longer talks to her.

So yes, we all are going through something. However, it is important to remember that just because someone else might be going through something a little bit more "significant" than us, this does not make our situations any less valid. Our feelings are real and justified. We are all humans. Let us be patient, compassionate, and maybe even a little bit kinder to one another.

That last line of the tweet..."gentleness is an under-rated strength." My goodness - that line can move mountains. We don't always have to be the person that rushes to save the day in a bold, flashy manner. Invite a friend over for dinner, buy your co-worker a cup of coffee, call a family member and let them know you have been thinking about them.

Above all, and perhaps the easiest message to kind.

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